Date: 2020.09
Role: Lead Programmer, Game Designer

As the lead programmer and game designer, I was responsible for the following tasks:


Corrupt Circuits is a fast paced one-touch game where you attempt to slow down the eventual corruption of your computer by going through a series of arcade-like touch based challenges. You attempt to delay the computer from destroying all of its files and data by playing simple minigames to “rescue” the files. As the progress bar fills up, the computer becomes more corrupted, and effects start to mess with the games.

Glitch Effect Shaders

Glitch Effects

As the progress bar fills up, the computer becomes more corrupted, and effects start to mess with the games as shown in the above. To achieve glitch post-processing effects, I used Godot’s shading language to write four overlay shaders (greyscale, pixelate, chromatic aberration, edge detection) and programmed a system that randomly applies those shaders to parts of the screen.

Link to playable demo